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Products & Services Trading

SJ Securities, is principally engaged in the trading of securities listed on the Bursa Malaysia as well as those listed on other recognised stock exchanges in the world.

To trade with SJ Securities Sdn Bhd, you are required to appoint a Remisier or Dealer to execute your trades. As an investor, you are required to open a trading account with us and maintain a CDS account with MCD.
All stocks and shares traded by you either from new issues or market transactions will be automatically credited or debited in your CDS account by MCD.

Online Trading

SJenie is an online trading service that allows clients access to real-time stock quotes of the Bursa Malaysia via the Internet. With SJenie, in addition to real-time quotes, clients can obtain research materials, current financial news and online trading where you can monitor your portfolio, place orders and access to your trading information.

SJenie is a truly Internet based financial service that allows you access wherever you are, free-of-charge. (Brokerage fee as normal offline trading still applies).

Retail Account

Trading Account enable our clients to trade in securities listed on the Bursa Malaysia Securities Bhd (BMSB).

For trading account, there is no specific requirement for clients to pledge their collateral. Credit limit for clients will be based on their credit worthiness as well as the track record/financial strength of dealer/remisier.
Settlement of trades must be in accordance with the BMSB's Fixed Delivery and Settlement system (FDSS), which mean trading clients must settle his/her/their purchase contracts latest by 12.30pm T+2 days, failing which CCM Department will proceed to sell down their outstanding purchase contracts on T+3 days (afternoon session).
Securities settlement is to be effected through book entry via the Central Depository System (CDS). Therefore, all our trading clients must open a CDS account under their own name through SJ Securities for securities settlement purpose.
Trading clients may enjoy brokerage as low as 0.15% for their intra-day trades, irrespective of contract value, subject to minimum brokerage as per BMSB's rules, recommendation from their dealer/remisier and approval by the Management.
Nevertheless, our trading clients are encouraged to collateralize their trading exposure via pledging of collateral.

SJ Power Plus (SJPP)

SJPP Collateralized Trading clients may pledge collateral in the forms of cash and/or quoted shares and they may be allowed to trade with higher credit limit depending on their level of collateral with us. Trading multiples for collateral are as high as follows:

Type of Collateral       Trading Multiples
i) Cash Up to      2.0X 

ii) Shares – Capping subject to individual Paid-Up-Capital (PUC):- 
  • PUC RM60 Million and above   
  • PUC below RM60 Million    
  • ACE Market  
  • Structured Warrants/Foreign Stocks/Rights 
  • Up to 1.0X
  • 80% of the mark-to-market value
  • 50% of the mark-to-market value 
  • No value 
Under this trading alternative, CDS account will be opened under client's own name and the collateralization is to be effected through execution of Memorandum of Deposit (MOD). That means there will be less hassle as there is no need to transfer CDS shares from their individual CDS account to SJSEC Nominees pledged securities CDS account and therefore no extra CDS costs involved.
To dealers/remisiers, SJPP trading offers unlimited and secured business potential for them. As far as clients are concerned, their trading capacity is tagged to the level of collateral.
SJPP Collateralized Trading Clients may enjoy up to 30% discount for their ECOS trade (orders executed through Internet) and 0.15% brokerage rate for their intra-day trades, subject to minimum brokerage as per BMSB's rules, recommendation from their dealer/remisier and approval by the Management.